The most used medical scales and nursing scales, compiled in this application.You can do them from the application to get the result quickly and easily. Both scales to be filled by the patient and by the medical staff are included.The medical scales included are the following:- Goldberg scale- Apgar test- Glasgow Scale- Beck scale- Silverman test- Fagerström test- Richmond Scale- Khimji-Watts test- Glover-Nilsson test- Cage questionnaire camouflaged- MALT-O Questionnaire- MALT-S questionnaire- AUDIT test- Epworth scale- Scale of Zarit- Yesavage test- Test of Yesavage Abreviado- Ramsay scale- Katz Index- EMINA scale- Braden scale- Test SCOFF- Barthel Scale- APGAR Familiar- Rosemberg- GijonThey are ordered by categories such as Neonatal, Surgical, Tobacco, Alcohol among others. And you can make your list of favorites with the ones you use the most.The idea is to update the application by adding new tests and questionnaires. If there is any scale that you are missing, do not hesitate to contact to add them. In case you find any errata, do not hesitate to transmit it.The result of the medical scales included is indicative, in case of any doubt you should go to the health professional.This version does not contain advertising and more questionnaires are included than in the free version.